Millions of Brits set to lose annual leave because they fail to take it off

Have you taken all your leaveHave you taken all your leave
Have you taken all your leave
Six million UK workers are set to lose some of their annual leave because they have simply failed to take the time off during the year.

More than a quarter (27 per cent) of Brit employees will lose an average of TWO DAYS leave, according to a survey of 2,000 workers.

Those working in hospitality and events management who are least likely to take their full entitlement, with an average six days still unclaimed at the year's end.

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But even when holiday entitlement is taken, much of it is squandered on sorting out domestic issues, according the the survey commissioned by

Workers use up an average four days of their entitlement acting on admin and two days to look after children.

Half of all the respondents had to use their valued vacation for medical appointments or to wait in for deliveries or repair engineers.

The survey revealed that on average, full time office workers get 25 days' annual leave plus bank holidays.

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However, those quizzed believe a fairer number of holidays for hard workers would be 29 days per year, and 13 per cent of respondents said their travel plans failed to match up with the time they were allowed, forcing them to take unpaid leave.

The stats show that an average of nine days of annual leave are used for holidays and seven to cover working days over the Christmas period, with August the most popular month for sun worshippers to shut up shop.

People in Portsmouth and Aberystwyth are set to lose out the most, with an average of four days lost.

Residents in York, Worcester, Gloucester and Brighton are most likely to use up every holiday before they run out of time.

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Catherine Bannan, HR manager for said: "There's a lot of money being missed out on by UK employees when you consider that 27 per cent of people haven't taken their full entitlement and are in work instead.

"And of course, many people aren't allowed to roll over holidays into the new year, so a lot of those days will be simply lost.

"Even if you haven't made plans to go on holiday, it's important to unwind and simply take the time off to relax and spend time with family and friends."